The name Twenty Nickels is an admiring homage to Mel Brooks’ memories of The Automat – a cafeteria chain made famous at the turn of the 19th century, where diners retrieved quality food from a series of vending machines. The Automat was vital to many East Coast city-goers during the Depression era in 1930’s America. One nickel could buy you a fresh, hot cup of spectacular-tasting coffee and a warm, welcoming place to sit for a few hours if needed. Brooks, especially well-known for his screenwriting and production of comedy classics like Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles, would enjoy trips to the Automat with his father as a young boy, who would provide him with a fistful of change. For just twenty nickels, a boy could go wild choosing from a cornucopia of goodies like roasted turkey, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and apple pie. The very definition of magic for a kid.
It is with this same spirit of whimsy that our company was formed. As a welcoming spot to find hearty comfort food, the brightest antipasti, artisanal fruits and oils, and family-owned fine wines, our curious customers can tap into a perfect cultural blend of Americana and the Old World, with an extra bit of polish. Our virtuoso cooking tips, recipes and hospitality recommendations are curated by only the most passionate individuals, from some of the most cherished food and wine regions around the globe. All accessible with a “pay-what-you-want” member subscription. Have a look around and enjoy!